Monday, January 6, 2014



                I was having a conversation with my mom this last week about people who had come in and out of our lives. Some who were huge parts years ago and maybe now not so much. We wondered to each other what our roles were now. How has our place in their life changed? All this caused me to reflect on my friendships....
                 My husband, kids and I moved away for almost a year. We moved away from everything and everyone. We moved away from all the relationships we spent the last 11 years developing and some a lifetime. When we moved back I came back with a new appreciation for the friends I have and my family, for all the relationships I have. Even the new relations I had made while I was away. I realized how even, what seemed like the small relationships, like the staff at my kids' school and what I lovingly call my mom friends, were important to me. Each relationship even if we only smile and wave hi to each other every weekday morning, contributed to who I am as person and friend to others. And in some way each person meant something to me. Each person shares a part of my life with me. Some have small roles and some much larger but each has a part.
          We all need friends to confide in, laugh with, shop with or walk with. I know there are many other things we do with our friends but the point is we need them and more than likely we don't find this in one person. We find that we have a that one friend who just always says the right thing when we are down, she is encouraging. Then there is friend who is just down right funny and make you laugh and smile. When you leave that friends presence you can't help but feel good. We also have friends that we have had since we were children, the one that know everything about us not because we have to tell them but because we lived it with it them.
         All of the relationships in our life serve a purpose. We need to embrace what it is that friend is to us nothing more, nothing less and no expectations. I don't mean this negatively I just know that when we put expectation on people we will get let down. I have always believed that God does that so we don't fully lean on another human for our needs and our strength because only God is 100% dependable.
          Number 23:19-20 says,"God is not man, that he should lie, nor son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? I have received a command to bless; he has blessed, and I cannot change it.

          So no matter who that person is in your life be a blessing to them and I am sure you will be blessed.



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